What a wonderful year this has been!
I have gotten to travel to more places in the world (Dubai, Barcelona, and India). I even got to take my wonderful wife, Camille, with me to Barcelona this past May. That was so much fun, especially for her. She has never traveled outside of the country before.
My kids are growing up so fast.
Genika is 10 YEARS OLD now, what? Wow time goes by too fast. She is loving the 5th grade and her new twin baby niece and nephew. She is such a great help with others and trying to please people. She loves to help out her teacher and keep the class room and desks neat and clean. Her teacher loves that! She is also a big help around the house.
Shay is 8 and was baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She LOVES to sing and she is so good at it. We really think that she has a god given natural talent for it. She is getting better at singing in front of people. Shay is good at making friends and thinks that she always needs to have a friend over.
Kayla is 4 now and such a energetic child. We love it when she wakes up in the morning she gives everyone that is around a hug. She always hugs the girls when they get home from school. She goes non-stop. She always has the cutest expressions on her face. She love to tell stories and adores her big sisters.
Tristan is 2. He is such a smart two year old. He can count to 15, well he says twelve, thirteen, thirteen, thirteen. He can carry on a conversation with you. He says things sometimes that just blow your mind that a "2" year old just said that. I turned him onto the super heros and now almost everyday he think that he is the "Hulk". Spiderman, Batman and now Superman are also his favorites. He is such a boy.
I got to take the family on a trip to Disneyland this summer. I was going to Anaheim for a business trip and brought the family along for the ride. We had a lot of fun. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel and Tristan discovered Goofy. He loves Goofy. The kids got to meet a lot of the disney characters. Buzz came out for an appearance and when Tristan did not get to go up to him he kept yelling, "I want Buzz". Genika loves the coasters. She is an adrenaline junkie like her dad. She even went on one that went up to 85 miles per hour on take off. The kids all loved the fireworks that they got to see every night, either from the park or from the hotel room window.

Burj Kalifa in the middle |
Burj Kalifa |
Here is a video showing the worlds fastest roller coaster.
Cant wait to see what 2013 brings us.